Twelve pairs of ribs, a thoracic spine, sternum, and costal cartilage = the Rib Cage
Part one focused on the ribs and their connections to the thoracic spine in the back. Now let’s map rib connections in front.
The sternum is a central connection of the rib cage in front, It looks like a small necktie. In breathing, the sternum pivots up from bottom to top as part of inhalation and returns to its starting position during exhalation. Some people equate its breathing movement to that of a pump handle.
Ribs 1-10 connect to the sternum in front via costal cartilage. Costal cartilage is soft tissue, the same type that forms the outer ear. Notice that ribs 1-5 each connect directly via individual costal cartilage while ribs 6-10 meet a larger piece of costal cartilage, which offers more movement.
But, I thought there were 12 pairs of ribs!
Yes, there are. Ribs 11 & 12, the floating ribs do not connect in front.
Including connections of the ribs in front to your map allows us to see that rib movement happens on all sides of the upper torso - front, sides, and back.
Today’s experience will encourage 360 rib cage movement. Enjoy & let me know what you discover!